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What is an ultrasound scan?

Ultrasounds, also known as sonography, are safe because they don't use radiation but sound waves to create these pictures. This is one of the most helpful and non-invasive tools available in prenatal care today. It uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of your baby within the womb, allowing doctors to monitor the fetus's development closely. These scans are vital for checking the baby's growth, assessing the health of both the mother and the baby, and identifying any potential issues early on.

At Garbh , we provide a wide variety of ultrasound scans tailored specifically for pregnant women. Our services are crafted to deliver precise, prompt, and detailed results. This enables early intervention and ensures the highest standard of care for you and your baby.

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Comprehensive Ultrasound Scan Options

Did you know there are several types of ultrasound scans during pregnancy? The type of scan you get often depends on how far along you
are and what specific information is needed. For example, some scans help estimate the likelihood of Down’s syndrome, while others assess
the risk of preterm labour, among other things. Here are some of the scans we provide:

Viability Scans

A viability scan in pregnancy is an early scan that confirms whether the pregnancy is progressing normally, checks the heartbeat, and determines the estimated due date.

Viability Scans

Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan

Performed between 11 and 14 weeks, the NT scan assesses the risk of chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome by measuring the fluid at the back of the baby’s neck. It also helps determine the due date and allows early detection of structural abnormalities.

Nuchal Translucency

Anomaly Scan

Usually carried out between 18 and 21 weeks, this detailed scan checks the baby's organs and physical development to identify any structural abnormalities.

Anomaly Scan

Fetal Echocardiography (Cardiac Scan)

This specialised fetal echo scan examines the baby’s heart for any abnormalities in its structure and function, usually performed between 18 and 24 weeks.

Fetal Echocardiography

Fetal Neurosonogram (Brain Scan)

This detailed ultrasound focuses on the structure and development of the baby’s brain and is recommended if there is a risk of brain abnormalities.

Fetal Neurosonogram

Fetal Growth Scan

Conducted in the third trimester, the fetal growth scan measures the baby’s size and rate of growth, ensuring that the baby is developing at a healthy rate.

Fetal Growth Scan

Cervical Scan

A cervical screening test is typically performed in the second trimester; this scan assesses the length and function of the cervix to help predict the risk of preterm labour.

Cervical Scan

Types of Scans

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Benefits of Ultrasound Scans

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Determining the
Due Date

Ultrasound scans provide accurate information on the gestational age of the fetus, helping to determine the expected due date.

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Early Detection of Abnormalities

Ultrasounds can detect potential health issues or abnormalities in the developing fetus early in the pregnancy.

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Monitoring Fetal

Regular scans help track the fetus's growth and development, ensuring that any deviations from the norm can be addressed promptly.

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Assessing Fetal

Ultrasounds also evaluate the health of the fetus by checking vital aspects like heart rate, movement, breathing, and positioning

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Identifying Pregnancy

Scans can identify complications such as ectopic pregnancies , short cervix or issues that might warrant special medical attention.

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Ultrasound provide visual confirmation of the baby's development, offering reassurance to expectant parents about their baby’s health and progress.

Frequently asked questions

An ultrasound scan uses sound waves to create images of the baby inside the womb. It is essential because it helps monitor the baby's development, detect any abnormalities, assess fetal health, and check the position of the placenta.

Yes, ultrasound scans are considered safe for both the mother and the baby. Unlike some other imaging techniques, they do not use radiation; instead, they use sound waves, which have not been shown to harm the mother or the baby.

Preparation for an ultrasound can vary depending on the type of scan. For most pregnancy scans, there is no special preparation that may be needed. You might be asked to drink water only before viability and Gynaec scans to fill your bladder which helps in getting clearer images. It's best to follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the ultrasound technician.

During an ultrasound scan, you will usually be asked to lie down on a bed, and a small amount of gel will be applied to your abdomen. The gel helps conduct the sound waves for clearer images. The technician will then move a handheld device called a transducer over your belly to view the baby. The scan is painless and typically takes 20-30 minutes.

Meet our specialist

At Garbh, our team of highly qualified specialists is dedicated to providing expert care in fetal medicine and genetic counseling. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, they ensure the best possible care for both mother and baby. Meet our specialists to guide you through every step of your journey with personalized and professional support.


Dr. Trishdeep Singh Grewal

Director, Consultant Radiologist, and Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Trishdeep, our Director and Consultant Radiologist, brings nearly five years of dedicated experience to our team. He completed a two-year fellowship in fetal medicine at the prestigious Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre after earning his...

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