Pregnancy Concerns

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Pregnancy Concerns

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also come with its share of concerns and complications. At Garbh, we understand the anxiety associated with these concerns, and we are here to offer our support and expertise. Let’s explore some common pregnancy concerns and how we can help you to face them.

Fetal Medicine

Pregnancy with Fetal Abnormalitie

Fetal abnormalities refer to any structural or functional anomalies in the developing fetus. These can range from minor issues that resolve on their own to serious conditions that require medical intervention.

Common Conditions:

  • Congenital Heart Defects: Problems with the heart’s structure present at birth.
  • Neural Tube Defects: Conditions like spina bifida where the neural tube does not close completely.
  • Chromosomal Abnormalities: Issues like trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), where there are extra or missing chromosomes.

Possible Solutions:

  • Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis: Early detection through ultrasound, blood tests, and advanced imaging techniques.
  • Specialized Care and Monitoring: Regular monitoring and specialised care to manage the condition and prepare for any interventions.
  • Fetal Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be performed on the fetus before birth to correct certain abnormalities.

Complicated Twin Pregnancies

Twin pregnancies are considered high-risk due to the increased likelihood of complications. These can include preterm labour, preeclampsia, and twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).

Common Conditions:

  • Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): A condition where one twin receives more blood flow than the other.
  • Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (sIUGR): When one twin grows at a slower rate than the other.
  • Preterm Birth: Twins are more likely to be born prematurely, which can lead to health issues.

Possible Solutions:

  • Frequent Monitoring: Regular ultrasounds and check-ups to monitor the health of both twins.
  • Fetal Therapy: Procedures like laser surgery to treat TTTS.
  • Delivery Planning: Preparing for early delivery and ensuring neonatal care is available.

Pregnancy with a High Risk for Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. It can result in developmental delays and physical features associated with the condition.

Common Concerns:

  • Increased Risk Factors: Advanced maternal age, family history, or abnormal screening results.
  • Prenatal Diagnosis: Confirming the condition through diagnostic tests like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).

Possible Solutions:

  • Genetic Counselling: Providing information and support to help parents make informed decisions.
  • Comprehensive Screening: Utilising advanced screening methods to assess the risk accurately.
  • Early Intervention Programs: Planning for therapies and support systems post-birth to help the child develop optimally.

Fetal Anaemia

Fetal anaemia occurs when the fetus has a lower than normal number of red blood cells, which can lead to various health issues.

Common Causes:

  • Maternal-Fetal Blood Group Incompatibility: Conditions like Rh disease.
  • Infections: Certain infections can cause fetal anaemia.
  • Genetic Conditions: Disorders like alpha-thalassemia.

Possible Solutions:

  • Routine Screening: Regular blood tests to detect anaemia early.
  • Intrauterine Transfusions: Blood transfusions given directly to the fetus in severe cases.
  • Medication: Treatments to manage the underlying cause of anaemia.

Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

IUGR refers to a condition where the fetus is smaller than expected for the gestational age, which can lead to health problems both before and after birth.

Common Causes:

  • Placental Problems: The placenta may not provide enough nutrients and oxygen.
  • Maternal Health Issues: Conditions like hypertension or preeclampsia.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, alcohol use, or poor nutrition during pregnancy.

Possible Solutions:

  • Regular Monitoring: Frequent ultrasounds to track the baby’s growth and health.
  • Nutritional Support: Ensuring the mother receives adequate nutrition.
  • Early Delivery: In severe cases, planning for early delivery to protect the baby’s health.

Previous Pregnancy with Fetal Abnormality

Having had a previous pregnancy with a fetal abnormality can increase the anxiety in subsequent pregnancies.

Common Concerns:

  • Genetic Factors: Assessing the risk of recurrence.
  • Monitoring and Screening: Enhanced vigilance in current pregnancy.

Possible Solutions:

  • Genetic Counselling: Evaluating the risk factors and providing guidance.
  • Advanced Screening: Utilising comprehensive diagnostic tools to monitor the current pregnancy.
  • Emotional Support: Providing psychological support to help manage anxiety.


Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure and signs of damage to other organ systems, usually the liver and kidneys.

Common Symptoms:

  • High Blood Pressure: Persistent hypertension.
  • Protein in Urine: Detected through routine urine tests.
  • Swelling: Particularly in the hands and face.

Possible Solutions:

  • Regular Monitoring: Frequent blood pressure and urine checks.
  • Medications: Managing blood pressure with prescribed medications.
  • Early Delivery: In severe cases, planning for early delivery to protect the mother and baby.

If you have any concerns about your pregnancy, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At Garbh, we offer a range of services tailored to meet your needs and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey. Trust Garbh for exceptional care and support throughout your pregnancy.

Meet our specialist

At Garbh, our team of highly qualified specialists is dedicated to providing expert care in fetal medicine and genetic counseling. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, they ensure the best possible care for both mother and baby. Meet our specialists to guide you through every step of your journey with personalized and professional support.


Dr. Trishdeep Singh Grewal

Director, Consultant Radiologist, and Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Trishdeep, our Director and Consultant Radiologist, brings nearly five years of dedicated experience to our team. He completed a two-year fellowship in fetal medicine at the prestigious Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre after earning his...

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