Fetal Reduction

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What is a Fetal Reduction

Fetal reduction is a medical procedure used to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy, typically to improve the health outcomes for the remaining fetuses and the mother. This is usually recommended when a multiple pregnancy poses significant risks such as preterm birth, developmental issues, or complications for the mother. By reducing the number of fetuses, the likelihood of carrying the pregnancy to term and the overall health of the remaining fetus or fetuses are improved. At Garbh, we understand that this decision is entirely personal and challenging. Our goal is to provide compassionate care and support throughout the process.

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When is Fetal Reduction Needed?

Fetal reduction is considered in various situations, including:

High-Risk Multiple

Multiple Pregnancies

When a woman is pregnant with two or more fetuses, the risks of preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental complicit increase significantly. Reducing the number of fetuses can help manage these risks.

Selective Reduction
for Health Concerns

Health Concerns

In some cases, one or more fetuses may have a severe medical condition or anomaly that could impact their survival or the health of the other fetuses. Fetal reduction can be used to selectively reduce the affected fetus.

Health Concerns

Maternal Health Concerns

If the mother has a medical condition that makes carrying multiple fetuses risky, fetal reduction can help decrease the strain on her body and reduce the risk of complications.


Fetal Reduction Procedure

The fetal reduction procedure involves reducing the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy. Here is a
step-by-step overview of how the procedure is typically performed:

Consultation and Evaluation

The process begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation with a specialist. The doctor will discuss the reasons for considering fetal reduction, the risks involved, and the potential benefits for the mother and the remaining fetuses.


Fetal Reduction Timing

The fetal reduction timing is important for its success and the health of the remaining fetus or fetuses. The procedure is typically performed between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, though it can be done slightly later if necessary. This early timing allows for better outcomes and reduces the risks of complications associated with later-term procedures.

How is the Fetus Selected for Reduction?

Selecting the fetus or fetuses for reduction is a sensitive and carefully considered process.
The decision is based on various factors, including:

  • Health and Development: The health and developmental status of each fetus are evaluated. Fetuses with medical conditions or anomalies may be selected for reduction to improve the chances of survival and health for the remaining fetuses.
  • Position in the Uterus: The position of the fetuses within the uterus is considered, as certain positions may present higher risks for complications.
  • Medical Advice: The decision is made in consultation with medical professionals, who provide guidance based on the specific circumstances of the pregnancy and the health of the mother and fetuses.

Frequently asked questions

Fetal reduction is a medical procedure to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy, typically to improve the health outcomes for the remaining fetuses and the mother.

Fetal reduction is needed in high-risk multiple pregnancies, if one or more fetuses have severe medical conditions, or if the mother's health is at risk from carrying multiple fetuses.

The procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance. A fine needle is inserted through the mother’s abdomen to the selected fetus, where a solution is injected to stop the fetal heartbeat. The body then reabsorbs the fetus over time.

Risks include bleeding, infection, miscarriage, and potential complications for the remaining fetuses. Emotional support is also important as the procedure can be emotionally challenging.

Meet our specialist

At Garbh, our team of highly qualified specialists is dedicated to providing expert care in fetal medicine and genetic counseling. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, they ensure the best possible care for both mother and baby. Meet our specialists to guide you through every step of your journey with personalized and professional support.


Dr. Trishdeep Singh Grewal

Director, Consultant Radiologist, and Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Trishdeep, our Director and Consultant Radiologist, brings nearly five years of dedicated experience to our team. He completed a two-year fellowship in fetal medicine at the prestigious Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre after earning his...

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